In order to understand how root canal procedures work, we must first learn about the anatomy of teeth. Inside a tooth, you will see under the hard enamel soft tissue called pulp which contains nerves, connective tissue, and blood vessels. Although the pulp is necessary to develop teeth in infants, in adults, the teeth can actually survive without the pulp because the teeth are nourished by the surrounding tissue.
However, when the pulp becomes infected or inflamed, you will need to get a root canal. There are many causes for inflammation or infection: faulty crowns, cracked or chipped tooth, repeated dental procedures, tooth decay or trauma to the teeth.
During a root canal procedure, the pulp is removed and the tooth is carefully cleaned from the inside, and disinfected. Then it is filled and sealed with gutta-percha, a rubber-like substance. The tooth is then restored.
A root canal treatment procedure involves removing the bacteria in the root canal. Once the bacteria is removed, the root canal is filled, and the tooth is sealed with a crown or filling. The inflamed tissue at the end of the tooth heals naturally in most cases.
Root canal procedure
The process of this treatment starts with diagnosis. Once the diagnosis has been completed, a cavity is prepared to get access to the root canals. Once the cavity has been prepared, the root canals can be clearly seen by the dentist for removal of the infected pulp tissues. The dentist use uses endodontic files to get rid of the infected pulp tissue from the root canals.
These files are available in a variety of sizes and are chosen on the basis of width of the canal. Different individuals as well as different tooth have different canal width.
These files are then used to remove the pulp tissue by inserting them into the root canals. These files are flexible enough to get rid of all the infected root canals. Once the infected pulp tissue has been removed, a disinfectant solution is used to thoroughly clean the empty root canal. This is done to make sure that there is no infected tissue left behind as that may lead to infection again.
Once the empty space has been successfully cleaned with a disinfectant liquid, a filling is placed into the cavity to take place of the pulp tissue that was removed. These fillings known as gutta-percha is available in a variety of sizes to ensure that the toot canal cavity is completely filled. A dental instrument is used by the dentist to put pressure on the gutta-percha to completely fill the cavity. Dental cement is also applied to the gutta-percha to make sure that it adapts to the size of the cavity.
Once the cavity has been filled, x-rays are taken by the dentist to make sure that everything is in place and there are no gaps. The gutta-percha should completely fill the cavity. Once the dentist has made sure that everything is fine, it is time for restoring the tooth structure that has been removed for creating the cavity.
Many patients prefer tooth coloured restoration material for aesthetics. As far as the success of root canal treatment is concerned, a radiograph is taken after the procedure to make sure that the restoration is complete.
Overall, root canal treatment has become so common these days that one does not need to worry about pain or any other issues especially if the procedure is being performed by an experienced endodontist.
What are the symptoms of root canal infection?
Here is a list of some of the symptoms that may indicate the need for a root canal treatment.
If there is discoloration or darkening of the tooth with prolonged pain and sensitivity to cold or hot drinks, it may indicate inflammation of the root canal or pulp inside the tooth. Similarly, swelling near the infected tooth or swelling of the face also indicates infection on the root canal system. This treatment may also be required in case of a decayed, rotten, cracked or a broken tooth.
If there is severe toothache while chewing, touching or biting, it is usually due to inflammation or infection of the root canal system. However, the pulp may also become infected or damaged without any of these symptoms. In such cases, x-rays are often used to detect the problems.
As far as diagnosis is concerned, there are a number of steps taken by your dentist to determine whether you are a good candidate for root canal treatment. The first step is to look for any of the above-mentioned symptoms including checking the condition of tooth and gums.
The dentist may also tap on the tooth gently or ask you to bite on something to find out if that particular tooth is sensitive to pressure or touch. Similarly, x-rays of the bone surrounding the tooth and the tooth are taken to figure out a treatment plan.
Sometimes, an electronic pulp tester is also used to find out if the pulp inside the tooth is still alive. This tester is used to send a small amount of electric current inside the tooth to check whether the pulp inside is still alive.
In summary, there are many symptoms of root canal infections. These include:
- Tenderness when chewing
- Deep tooth decay
- Severe gum disease
- Tooth sensitivity
- Toothache
- Trauma to the tooth or jaw
Anyone having one or more of these symptoms should consult a Gold Coast dental surgeon for immediate examination and treatment.
How long does a root canal take?
Contrary to what most people think, root canals can be completed in one appointment or two appointments, depending on your tooth’s condition. Is root canal painful? It’s not because it’s similar to having dental fillings.
Root canals are necessary in order to protect your other teeth from unnecessary strain and it also helps you to chew better.
How much does a root canal cost?
How much does it cost to get it done? That really depends on how complex the procedure is. Molars are more difficult to do, and so cost more. However, most dental insurance plans provide coverage so it shouldn’t cost too much. They are definitely cheaper than replacing your teeth with an implant.
Save your teeth with root canal treatment
In the good old days, if the nerve tissue of a tooth was infected, the whole tooth was extracted without further ado. Root canal treatment helps save your natural tooth by simply removing the infected nerve tissue, and then sealing the affected tooth from future infections.
Is a root canal painful?
Many people believe that a root canal treatment would be quite painful, but this belief is without solid ground. In fact, root canal treatment Gold Coast doesn’t cause any more discomfort than a regular filling. Before the root canal treatment, the patient would be given local anaesthesia.
How long does a root canal last?
The procedure is successful in more than 9 out of 10 cases. An affected tooth is able to survive for more than 10 years after the root canal treatment.
How to take care of your tooth after root canal treatment
It is extremely important to carefully protect your teeth after the root canal procedure. Avoid biting solid food from the particular tooth for some time. Avoid too much of sugary food, and give up smoking to protect the surrounding teeth. If you follow a good oral hygienic plan, it is possible to prevent the requirement for further treatments.
In conclusion, root canal treatment is important to save a badly affected tooth from extraction. The procedure helps save your natural tooth by removing the infected nerve tissue. The affected tooth is then sealed from further infections. This is the importance of root canal treatments in Gold Coast.