HainsDental at Robina is a TUH preferred provider
What does that mean for you? More Cover and More Peace of Mind.
Most TUH members will receive 2 Check-ups & Cleans annually for every person covered on your policy absolutely FREE!
Most members are also covered for one Mouthguard per person per calendar year.
TUH’s Dental Cover gives you a range of fully covered diagnostic and preventative dental services. It is available with most TUH extras covers and subject to available limits and waiting periods. In addition to the two FREE annual check-ups and mouthguards each year most policy holders will receive rebates/benefits for other dental services like X-rays, fillings, Root Canal Treatment, Dentures, etc.
A recent dental health study showed an intrinsic link between healthy teeth and gums and a person’s overall health and well-being. Studies like this one prove the importance of maintaining good oral health – and regular check-ups are one of the best ways to do so. Call our staff today and see how you can save.